Thursday, February 27, 2020

Exploring the Practices of Masculinities in School Assignment

Exploring the Practices of Masculinities in School - Assignment Example The author of the article has the viewpoint that the literacy strategies presented to teachers in recent support literature does not support the cause because they are restraining and restrictive. He claims that there is just a little effort towards developing a connection between gender and masculinity. He further argues that current strategies aimed towards building up the levels of boys’ literacy achievement do not move with the school board policy of acknowledging a diverse range of youth identities. The reason is that when more efforts will be driven towards including all youth identities in the scope of safe school policy, the focus on improving the literacy levels of boys will be overshadowed which will result in making the literacy level targeted policies useless for boys. The need is to bring alignment in the safe school policy and initiatives towards literacy achievement levels in order to provide a better environment for boys which they can utilize to improve their academic level while preserving masculinity. The author has begun the article by outlining the need or developing some quick fix strategies aimed towards increasing the learning potential of boys in such a way that they do not go parallel with the efforts towards providing a safe and secure school environment for multiple identities. In the second section of the article, the author has described and analyzed the efforts of Ontario Ministry of Education towards the cause of improving boys’ literacy level. The author has found that current initiatives are not able to accomplish the goal because they do not have the potential to prove their unique identity in front of the safe school policy which brings in together a diverse range of identities under one umbrella. According to the author, the problem is not here in this area. Rather the real problem lies in the fact when gay, lesbian, and other identities will be promoted in schools, the masculinity level of boys will be affecte d, as the behaviors and attitudes of all identities will mix with one another resulting in decreasing the demonstration of masculinity among boys. The author has finally suggested that Ontario curricular activities should be redesigned so that they become closely aligned with the safe school policies in order to help teachers, as well as administrators to work together towards the aim of increasing boys’ literacy achievement level while providing a safe learning environment for all youth identities. Critique of the Article This article by Michael Kehler discusses the efforts of The Ontario Ministry of Education to improve the literacy achievement rate of boys while acknowledging the efforts towards making safe school policy for a diverse range of youth identities, which include gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and others. I think the author has picked a good topic to write upon because it has become a need of today to save the masculinity of boys in a sexually diverse society. In t oday’s world, when sexual orientations are changing rapidly both for boys and girls, the need of today is to take steps towards saving the masculinity of boys so that the sexual orientation balance remains intact. Boys have to play hard

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Plantation Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Plantation Economy - Essay Example (West and Augelli, 1999) The history of Central America is linked with the growth and development of the plantation economy. When the colonialists reached the land, they found enabling climate and they set of establishing plantations to create what came to be known as the sugar kingdom in the history of America. The economy of the region is large reliant on Agriculture. There is production of cash crop like coffee, bananas, sugarcane and cotton which is produced through large holding and most of the products is exported to the Northern American and to Europe. However there is also the growth of subsistence crops like corns, beans, bananas, mains, rice and pulley. In the drier regions there is the production of beef cattle. The large holdings most employee modern farming while the subsistence farmers still use the simple farming techniques that have been in use for along time now. (Wrigley, 1999) Plantation farming has been practiced in the region since the settlement of colonialists in the region. However the region still lags behind in economic development despite producing agricultural products to the world. Has the plantation economy helped the region develop economically or has it helped the investors in the large holdings' This paper represents a well arranged and researched inquisitive essay on the impact of large holding farming in the region. The first part will look at the historical development of the large scale farming over the time and how it has developed in the region. Then it will look at the impact this has been making on the economy of the region and at the end it will look at the present economic situation of these countries so as to make a conclusion of there the plantation economy has been of use to the region of if it has not helped the region. In the conclusion it will look the problem that the region has been facing and what can be done on the situation. Development of plantation economy in the region The historical development of plantation economy in the region dates back when the Spanish colonization was started. With the arrival of Spanish and other colonialist in the region, there was increased development of agrarian economy which was favored by the Amazon climate that extends to the region. When the Spanish came, they immediately stated planting bananas in large plantation around 1860s and by 1870 there was increased growth of banana in the region. Most of the plantations in the region were started along the railway lines which were by then expanding northward to America. When an American entrepreneur was commissioned by the Costa Rica government to build a transition railroad, he started growing bananas along the railway road and immediately began exporting them to United States. Keith was highly successful in the venture and he embarked on the same plantation economic along all other major railway roads that he built. He was able to acquire large tracks of undeveloped la nd and in the process expanded the development of banana plantation to Guatemala and Hondura. In 1869 he merged with Boston Fruit Company and formed the United Fruit Company which rapidly expanded to Central America and by 1955 the company had over 400,000 hectares under production of bananas. (Ferguson, 1998; Mahar and Schneider, 1994) As the colonialists settled there was